Separate structural unit «Professional College of Technologies, Business and Law of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University» – an institution of professional pre-higher education (hereinafter professional college), a structural unit of an institution of higher education that conducts educational activities related to obtaining professional pre-higher education, carries out research activities and ensures a combination of theoretical training with on-the-job training.
Professional college is a modern and promising educational institution that has been working productively and effectively in the market of educational services for more than 55 years (in detail in the section history of establishment). A wide range of areas of training, a cohesive teaching staff, modern material and technical base, and additional opportunities for self-realization contribute to the professional competence of graduates. Their professionalism favourably represents the educational institution in different regions of Ukraine and the world.
Professional college, in accordance with the licenses, provides field-specific secondary education of professional orientation, vocational (vocational-technical) education, primary level (short cycle) and the first (bachelor`s) level of higher education. Also, such a college can ensure the acquisition of basic general secondary education if the end-to-end educational and professional programme provides training for Professional Junior Bachelor`s degree on the basis of primary general secondary education.
The Law of Ukraine on Professional Pre-Higher Education, the Law of Ukraine on Education, other laws of Ukraine, the Charter of the University, the Regulations of a professional college, licenses and certificates, and other normative legal acts of public authorities regulate the activity of a professional college. In order to achieve the goals and objectives, the professional college, as a structural unit of the university, is given certain rights of financial and economic independence and autonomy: the right to maintain a separate balance sheet, open a registration account with the State Treasury, have a seal and stamp, academic autonomy and more.
The main objectives of the professional college are:
• ensuring the realization of the right of citizens to professional pre-higher education;
• staff training of professional pre-higher education for the needs of the economy and society, ensuring the quality of professional pre-higher education;
• carrying out educational activities that ensure the acquisition of professional pre-higher education in their chosen specialities;
• participation in providing the social and economic development of the state through the formation of human capital;
• formation of patriotism, social activity, civic position and responsibility, academic integrity, legal and ecological culture, moral values, healthy lifestyle, critical thinking and self-organization in modern conditions;
• providing an organic combination in the educational process of theoretical and practical training, research and innovation activities;
• creation of necessary conditions for the realization by participants of the educational process of their abilities and talents, preserving the health of participants in the educational process;
• preservation and increase of moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society;
• dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising the educational and cultural level of citizens;
• establishing international relations and conducting international activities in the area of education, science, sports, arts and culture;
• studying the demand for certain specialities in the labour market and promoting the employment of graduates;
• interaction with employers, their organizations and associations, other social partners, professional unions and promotion of employment of graduates;
• effective use of property and funds for the implementation of educational activities.
The activity of the professional college is carried out on the principles of autonomy and self-government; delimitation of rights, powers and responsibilities of the founder (founders), state authorities and local governments; combining the principles of collegian and sole decision-making; independence from political parties and religious organizations. The state guarantees the academic, organizational, financial and teaching staff autonomy of institutions of professional pre-higher education. The legislation and its constituent documents determine the scope of autonomy of the professional college.
The professional college has the right to:
• introduce specializations, develop and implement educational and professional programs within the licensed speciality;
• independently determine the forms of education and organization of the educational process;
• hire and fire pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical workers and other employees in accordance with the legislation;
• form and approve own staffing table according to the legislation;
• form structural units that have the rights and responsibilities of vocational (vocational-technical), field-specific secondary and extracurricular educational institutions. The activity of such structural units is carried out in accordance with the corresponding special laws;
• introduce own encouragement systems of participants in the educational process for educational, artistic, research, innovative and sports achievements;
• provide additional educational and other services according to the law;
• independently develop and implement own educational programs;
• independently determine the content and programs of academic disciplines;
• award the professional pre-higher education educational-professional degree to students of professional pre-higher education who have successfully passed the certification procedure after graduation;
• form, reorganize, transform (change type) and liquidate their structural units according to the legislation;
• carry out publishing, in particular, to publish textbooks and training manuals, and also to develop own polygraphic base;
• place their training, and training and production units at enterprises, facilities and organizations;
• participate in the work of international organizations;
• introduce own symbols and attributes;
• apply with the initiative to the bodies carrying out management in the field of professional pre-higher education to make changes to existing normative legal acts or develop new normative legal acts in the field of professional pre-higher education, as well as to participate in the work on projects of the corresponding documents;
• carry out financial, economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation and constituent documents of the professional college;
• manage own revenues, in particular from the fee-based services;
• open current and deposit accounts in banks in the manner prescribed by the legislation;
• form educational-scientific, industrial complexes or other associations, not prohibited by the legislation, together with scientific and educational institutions, and enterprises;
• exercise other rights that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine.