Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University announces:
In accordance with paragraph 2.4 of the Regulation on the competitive selection for the position of Director of the Separate Structural Unit "Professional College of Technologies, Business, and Law of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University," dated September 30, 2021, by the order of the Rector dated November 1, 2021, No. 216/k, Yurii Vasylovych Hromyka, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Recruitment, has been appointed as the university representative for conducting the competitive selection for the position of Director of the Separate Structural Unit "Professional College of Technologies, Business, and Law of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University."
Contact information: Lutsk, 13 Voli Avenue, Room No. 302, Tel.: (0332)720126.
Regulation on the competitive selection of the Director of the Separate Structural Unit "College of Technology, Business, and Law"
Order of the College of Technology "On the organization of the competitive selection"
Order of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University "On the appointment of the university representative"
Regulation on the organizational committee during the competitive selection for the position of Director
Regulation on the electoral commission during the competitive selection for the position of Director
Regulation on the election of elected representatives to participate in the rating vote during the competitive selection for the position of Director from among other staff members of the college who are not scientific and pedagogical employees
Regulation on the election of elected representatives to participate in the rating vote during the competitive selection for the position of Director from among the students of the college
Regulation on the procedure for accreditation and organization of work of observers, representatives of mass media, and public observers during the competitive selection for the position of Director of the college
List of documents certifying identity for participation in the rating vote
Announcement of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University regarding the submission of candidates for participation in the rating vote
Development strategy project of the Separate Structural Unit "College of Technology, Business, and Law of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University" for 2022-2027
Protocol of the organizational committee No. 1 dated November 29, 2021
Protocol of the organizational committee No. 2 dated December 8, 2021
Protocol of the organizational committee No. 3 dated December 16, 2021
Protocol of the organizational committee No. 4 dated December 30, 2021
Protocol of the electoral commission No. 1 dated December 15, 2021
Protocol of the electoral commission No. 2 dated December 17, 2021
Protocol of the electoral commission No. 3 dated January 26, 2021