Department of Accounting and Law
<no name: (МОЙСЕЄЦЬ Наталія Сидорівна)>
<no name: (Робочий телефон: +38(033)23-41-41; e-mail: 21@ktbp.net.ua )>
<no name: (Адреса: м. Луцьк, проспект Волі, 51, оф. 201)>
The Department of Accounting and Law is the structural subunit of a professional college that combines academic groups from one or several specialties with different forms of education.
Educational, methodological, and practical activities are provided by the department.
The department aims at organizing the process of the preparation of highly-qualified professionals and assisting students during their individual and independent studying process.
The specialties of the department:
071 Accounting and taxation
081 Law
The Department of Accounting and Law was created in 1994 as the Department of Accounting. The department was headed by Stanislaw Shchebliuk, Svitlana Symchuk, and Tamara Radishchuk. Since the 12th of December, 2008, and to the present time the head of the department is Nataliia Moiseiets.
The department works on forming a capability of future specialists to think analytically, to acquire up-to-date knowledge and practical skills needed in different spheres in today’s competitive work environment.
The main tasks of the department are:
- analyzing the quality of education, the level of knowledge, skills, and abilities of students from professional and general secondary educational preparation; the development of proposals for its improvement;
- supervising students’ attendance of the lessons;
- organizational maintenance of the educational process;
- the development and implementation of educational process assessing measurements in the system of preparation of professional junior bachelors; scheduling classes;
- monitoring the implementation of curricula and programs and making proposals on the improvement of the planning and organization of the educational process.
The teachers' work aims at preparing a professional junior bachelor who can apply the knowledge in practice, and use information resources and modern interactive communication technology effectively; to exchange ideas, thoughts, and experience. The teachers pay attention to students’ scientific work. They prepare students for participation in World scientific and practical conferences, competitions, Olympiads, etc.
A lot of student scientific societies function in the Department. They are “Following the steps of legal studies”, “Accountant-beginners”, and “Financial space”. Students can improve and deepen their professional knowledge, acquire skills in scientific and research work, broaden their general and professional horizons, and implement their creative potential. Such types of work help students and teachers to develop scientific, logical, and creative thinking.
The achievements of our students are the results of not only learners’ aptitude but also the professional work of teachers, their creativity, and their devotion to their profession.
A great amount of attention is paid to the individual work of teachers and learners; the methods of individual consultations, and the experience of students' differentiated education.
During the educational process, teachers use modern educational methods, improve their professionalism and educational techniques, and work on increasing the quality of educational materials.
The essential part of the process of specialist preparation is practical training.
The aims and tasks of the practical training are:
- consolidation theoretical knowledge gained during studying;
- formation of professional skills for making independent decisions;
- introduction of the specifics of the practice bases activities.
The man institution for the practical training are: Lutsk local center for free econdary legal aid; Lutsk City Court; Economic Court of Volyn Oblast; Bar Association of Volyn Oblast and others.
The practical training helps to form practical skills for further jobs in the field of chosen specialty.
After graduating from college and getting the diploma of professional junior specialist, the graduates can continue their education in the universities and institutions for a shortened term – in Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National Universities.
The department is proud the most of such graduates as:
Oksana Mamotiuk – an accountant of LLC "Zakhidzovneshtorg";
Ivanna Yanul – a legal adviser of the Legal Department of Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University;
Natalia Mazurok – an accountant general in “Sport for everyone”;
Olha Tabunshchyk – an accountant general in LLC "Grandpostach".
The job responsibilities of the head of the Department of Accounting and Law:
- participation in the creation and implementation of educational and professional programs and working curricula in the licensed areas of preparation;
- participation in the work of collegiate management bodies of the professional college;
- participation and creation of the curriculum;
- supervising the attending of the lessons;
- analysis of educational information and developing measures for improvement of the educational process;
- organization and coordination of educational work;
- ensuring academic integrity by conducting educational records;
- providing feedback to the graduates of the department.