Director of the College
Phone: +38 (0332) 72-90-37
Email: pctbl.vnu@gmail.com
The director directly manages the activities of the vocational education institution. His rights, duties, and responsibilities are determined by the legislation and the founding documents of the college. The director of the vocational college is its representative in relations with state bodies, local self-government bodies, legal and physical persons, and acts without power of attorney within the limits of the powers provided by law and the founding documents of the college. The list of directors of the educational institution from 1965 to the present day can be found in the section on the history of its development.
As the head of the college, the director occupies and leads the directorate, pedagogical and administrative councils, scholarship, admission, certification, and personnel commissions; serves as the chief of civil defense of the vocational college; is responsible for the conduct and results of educational, economic, and other activities in the vocational college, as well as for the condition and preservation of the real estate and other property of this institution.
Functional duties:
- Organizes the activities of the vocational college and addresses issues related to financial and economic activity, forms its structure, develops and approves the staffing table, manages assets and funds, ensures compliance with staffing and financial discipline, hires and dismisses employees, ensures that the budget (financial plan) is followed, enters into contracts, determines the student population, enrolls and re-enrolls those who study (have studied) at the institution(s) of vocational and advanced education.
- Ensures the development and is responsible for the implementation of the approved development strategy of the institution, ensures compliance with legislation and founding documents, and execution of decisions of the general meetings of the staff and academic council of the vocational college.
- Submits to the general meeting of the staff for approval the draft founding documents of the vocational college.
- By the approval of the academic council, appoints heads of departments and heads of cycle commissions, develops and approves decisions on the establishment, reorganization, transformation (change of type), or liquidation of the structural units of the vocational college.
- Issues orders and instructions, assigns tasks that are mandatory for all participants of the educational process and structural units of the vocational college, approves job descriptions of employees.
- Ensures occupational health and safety, compliance with the law and order in organizing the educational process and control over the implementation of educational and professional programs, functioning of the internal quality assurance system of education, promotes healthy lifestyles, strengthens the sports and recreation facilities, and creates favorable conditions for mass sports activities in the vocational college.
- Monitors the quality of work of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical, and other employees of the vocational college.
- Promotes and creates conditions for the activities of self-government bodies, trade unions, for the exercise of civil rights and freedoms of employees and students, as well as for cooperation with the community, business, and other organizations.
- Performs other duties provided for in the founding documents of the vocational college.
The director of the vocational college reports annually to the general meetings of the staff.