4 Press center
Contact Information
College Address: 43010, Ukraine, Volyn Region, Lutsk, Voly Prospect, 51
tel. +38 0332 729 037
email: ctbl-eenu@meta.ua
tel .: +38 0332 234 141
selection committee: +38 0332 292 072
educational unit (MTS): +38 099 311 22 70
educational unit (Kyivstar): +38 068 286 59 18
Bank details
Our bank details:
College of Technology, Business and Law at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European
National University
IBAN UA788201720313281002201004739 p
SCSU Bank, Kyiv
EDRPOU 01566465
Open online lecture
On March 2, within the framework of the week of the FMD and IT Cycle Commission
lecturer Taranchuk OG, an open interactive lecture on "Properties and graph of
the exponential function" was held
New victories in information technology
On March 11, 2020, a meeting of the regional methodical association of teachers
of informatics of colleges and technical colleges of Volyn region took place.
According to the plan of the meeting, the teachers discussed the topics of
development and comprehensive penetration of artificial intelligence,
introduction of modern innovative technologies of teaching in computer science
classes. The me...
Spring and glorious woman sincerely
On March 6, the International Women's Day was celebrated at the College of
Technology, Business and Law at Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National
Mathematics as a component of financial literacy
On March 5, within the week of the cycle commission of physical and mathematical
disciplines and information technologies, a meeting of the student scientific
society on mathematics was held on the topic: "Mathematics as a component of
financial literacy". Form of conduct is a business game.
Participation in a seminar for English teachers
On March 3, foreign language teachers attended a seminar for English teachers
"Top quality teaching.
Create a truly authentic learning environment and win your class over "from
Pearson Publishing and Dinner Education.
The participants of the seminar learned why the authentic learning context is
the key to success in the English lesson; about the experience of creating and
performing authentic...
State Qualification Exam
On February 20, 2020, the State Qualification Exam in the Bz-1s group was held.
Cancellation of the event "Open Day"
In connection with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to
introduce quarantine from March 12 to April 3, 2020 due to the threat of an
epidemic of coronavirus infection Lesya Ukrainka College of Technology, Business
and Law announces the cancellation of the Open Day event, which was to take
place on March 14 2020 at 12.00.
Congratulations on the anniversary
On December 24, the director of the College of Technology, Business and Law of
the Lesya Ukrainka National Eastern European National University Stanislav
Scheblyuk celebrates its 60th anniversary.
Dear Jubilee! Please accept the warmest greetings for your holiday. 60 years is
not only experience and years, but also respect, merit and wisdom. We sincerely
congratulate you on an important date a...