General meeting of the college staff
The General Assembly of the staff is a collegial body of public self-government of the vocational college, whose powers are determined by Article 40 of the Law of Ukraine on Vocational Education and the founding documents of the vocational college.
The General Assembly of the staff is convened at least once a year. Typically, the organizational measures for preparing and conducting the meeting are carried out by the primary trade union organization of the college's staff and students. Decisions of such assemblies, taken in accordance with the legislation, are mandatory for all participants in the educational process.
All categories of participants in the educational process of the vocational college should be represented at the General Assembly of the staff. At the same time, no less than 75 percent of the delegates (members) of the assembly should be pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) workers who work in this college as their primary place of work, and no less than 10 percent should be elected representatives from among the students of the college.