Content of the educational process
The educational process in the field of vocational pre-higher education is an intellectual, creative activity that takes place in a vocational college and is aimed at the transfer, assimilation, multiplication and use of knowledge, skills and other competencies of people who are getting an education, as well as at the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. The institution of vocational pre-higher education independently resolves the issue of organizing the educational process in accordance with the legislation and normative documents of the professional college.
Forms of acquiring vocational pre-higher education are: institutional (full-time (day, evening), extra-mural, distance, online); individual (external, at the workplace (on manufacture); dual. Forms of acquiring vocational pre-higher education can be combined. Standards of vocational pre-higher education and vocational pre-higher colleges might limit the list of permissible forms of acquiring education for certain specialties and educational programs.
The educational process in vocational pre-higher education institutions is carried out in the following forms: educational classes, including individual educational classes; self-dependent work, including performance of individual tasks, practical training; control measures, including the attestation of applicants of vocational pre-higher education.
The main types of educational classes at the vocational college are: lecture, laboratory, practical, seminar, individual classes, consultation. The vocational college has the right to establish other forms of the educational process and types of classes.
The participants of the educational process are:
1. Person who are studying at a professional college:
a) students (acquirer of vocational pre-higher education) - a person who was admitted in a vocational college for acquiring vocational pre-higher education;
b) students who are getting specialized pre-higher secondary or professional (vocational and technical) education;
c) students acquiring higher education;
d) trainees who receive additional or separate educational services at the vocational college, including programs of preparation for admission, postgraduate education, continuous professional development, in particular, programs of adult education.
For the ones, specified in sub-items b-d are subject to special laws that determine the specifics of obtaining professional secondary, professional (vocational-technical), higher, extracurricular education.
2) pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and other employees of the vocational college who work in it at their main place of work;
3) individuals who, based on their main place of work at enterprises, institutions, organizations, institutions, combine the performance of their official duties with practical training of students of vocational education for their acquisition of professional competences, and also assess its quality.
4) employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations, scientists, artists and sportsmen who are involved in the educational process to read individual lectures or participate in the work of attestation commissions;
5) parents (legal representatives) of students of vocational pre-higher education.
In the educational process employers and specialists of enterprises, institutions, organizations and institutions, including those of foreign states, servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations, and law enforcement officers can be involved.