Human Resources Department
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Email: diachenko.viktoriia@ktbp.net.ua
The Human Resources Department of the vocational college is headed by the assistant director for personnel work, Viktoriia DIACHENKO.
The HR department conducts its activities in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, the Regulations and Rules of the internal labor order of the vocational college, directives of the manager, rules, and standards of documentary support.
Functional duties of the assistant director for personnel work:
- Keeping records of the college's personnel, its subdivisions, and established documentation on staff, students, and listeners;
- Timely processing of the acceptance, transfer, and dismissal (expulsion) of employees, students, and listeners of the college in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions, orders of the college director;
- Processing orders for the admission, relocation, dismissal (expulsion) of employees, students, and listeners of the college, and submitting copies of orders to managers of structural units and college employees;
- Formation and maintenance of personnel files of employees and students, making changes related to work activities;
- Preparation of documents related to rewards and incentives for employees;
- Keeping records and storage of employment records of vocational college employees;
- Keeping records and storage of documents on the education of college students;
- Keeping records of leave granted to employees;
- Drawing up a schedule of annual leave for vocational college employees, ensuring compliance with the schedules of scheduled leave;
- Submitting the required reports on personnel work and labor demand (vacancies);
- Preparation of documents required for the appointment of pensions for college employees;
- Keeping an archive of personnel files, preparing documents for their transfer to the archive after the established terms of storage;
- Issuing, at the direction of the college director, deputy director for educational work, necessary references to employees and students of the college and references on the possibility of independent employment of young specialists who have completed their studies;
- Determining the work and pedagogical experience of employees;
- Preparing necessary materials for certification and other commissions;
- Monitoring the state of labor discipline in the college units, ensuring compliance with the Rules of the internal labor regime by employees;
- Keeping records of labor discipline and public order violations;
- Controlling timely adoption of appropriate measures by the administration, public organizations, and labor collective;
- Performing individual tasks assigned by the college director and deputy director for academic affairs;
- Ensuring compliance with official and state secrets.