Educational and Methodological Office

<no name: (ПРОТАСЮК Наталія Анатоліївна)>

<no name: (ПРОТАСЮК Наталія Анатоліївна)>

<no name: (Завідувачка навчально-методичним кабінетом)>

<no name: (Робочий телефон: +38(033)23-40-32)>

The Educational and Methodological Office of the Separate Structural Subdivision "Professional College of Technologies, Business and Law of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University" is the centre of the educational and methodological work of the College, where information, regulatory and instructional materials, teaching materials, materials of pedagogical achievements of teachers, printed materials are concentrated.

The main task of the Educational and Methodological Office is to train, form and identify a professional teacher by creating optimal conditions that will promote professional and creative disclosure of the teacher, continuous improvement of pedagogical skills and implementation of advanced modern teaching and educational technologies in the educational process. The Methodological Office organises and provides methodological assistance in conducting open classes, master classes, competitions, professional skills competitions, and weeks of cycle commissions.

The activities of the educational and methodological office are combined with the work of the pedagogical and methodological councils, cycle commissions, methodological association of group leaders and are aimed at improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, providing them with practical assistance in the theory of pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods and, as a result, improving the quality of theoretical and practical training of students,

The methodological problem of the Professional College for 2020-2025 is the formation of key competences of students as value orientations of the educational process in the period of modernisation and globalisation of Ukrainian education.

Main tasks for the implementation of the methodological problem:

  • Modernisation of the content, forms and methods of the educational process in order to form and develop the key competences of the future specialist.
  • Creation of an educational environment that guarantees the achievement of professionally oriented goals by students in order to increase their competitiveness in the labour market and forms a positive image of the professional college.
  • Improving the professional competence of teachers, raising their scientific and theoretical level, psychological and pedagogical training and professional skills, developing creative initiative, forming their readiness for self-improvement, self-education, self-development in the current conditions of modernisation of education.
  • Increasing the level of professional competence of future specialists who are able to think freely and actively, independently generate and implement new ideas and technologies to realise their own professional opportunities.

The methodological work of the College is aimed at:

  • improving the professional competence of teachers;
  • preserving and developing the creative potential of the entire staff;
  • introduction of teaching technologies based on the latest methodological principles and modern didactic principles;
  • intensification of research work, exchange of advanced pedagogical experience;
  • involvement of teaching staff and students in active participation in scientific and practical conferences, forums, trainings, competitions, webinars using the capabilities of modern information and digital technologies.

Content and forms of work of the teaching and methodological office:

  • Planning, organising and conducting conferences, methodological seminars, classes of the School of the Beginner Teacher, improving pedagogical skills on topical issues of teaching and upbringing of students.
  • Providing methodological assistance to teachers in organising the work on maintaining educational and methodological documentation.
  • Systematisation and promotion of new pedagogical and methodological literature, textbooks, abstracts and articles on education and upbringing (together with the library).
  • Participation in the organisation of annual exhibitions of educational and methodological developments.
  • Preparation of educational and methodological issues for consideration at meetings of the pedagogical and methodological council.
  • Ensuring review of methodological developments, textbooks and other teaching and learning materials developed by teachers and approved by cycle commissions.
  • Establishing creative links with other educational institutions for the purpose of exchange of activities.
  • Organising the development, testing and dissemination of teaching and learning materials and the main forms of teaching and learning activities.
  • Seminars, conferences, round tables, methodological readings, and pedagogical lectures are organised on the basis of the teaching and methodological office.

The constant replenishment of the teaching staff involves working with the beginner teachers. The School of the Beginner Teacher operates on the basis of the teaching and methodological office, which provides various methodological, professional and informational assistance. Beginner teachers participate in pedagogical seminars, open classes of experienced qualified teachers, and master classes. The School of Beginner Teachers meets monthly (according to the annual work plan). The topics of all classes reflect the current pedagogical problems of a young specialist. Experienced teachers are invited to work in the school and act as mentors, which makes a significant contribution to the process of personal professional growth of a beginner teacher. In order to improve their skills, get acquainted with various methods of teaching, and experience in implementing advanced pedagogical technologies, beginner teachers have the opportunity to attend open classes of college teachers and participate in their discussions.

If necessary, young teachers can turn to the methodological office for advice on educational, methodological, scientific and educational work.

The methodological office annually organises the first stages of the "Creative Steps of Volyn Teachers" and "Pedagogical Oscar" competitions for teachers' teaching materials. The best teaching materials are selected to participate in the next stages of the competitions.

One of the collective forms of methodological work is open (demonstration) classes. Their purpose is to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers. The main tasks of open classes are to introduce into practice the best pedagogical practices and results of the achievements of pedagogical science aimed at solving the tasks facing the educational institution. An archive of methodological developments of open classes is being formed in the methodological office.

Every year, the College holds cycle commission weeks. Various educational and methodological events, meetings with industry experts, and thematic exhibitions are organised as part of them.

Methodological work at the vocational college is planned as an open, holistic, dynamic, social and pedagogical system that is complex in nature and is implemented at the following levels: teacher - cycle commission - methodological council - pedagogical council.